Monday, February 3, 2014

The Advertising World - Painting a world around us

Imagine a world where every square inch is covered with advertising, filled with entities marketing themselves around us. This is possibly what the world can come to in the near future.
As a marketing major, I was compelled to take advertising because I was convinced that they go hand in hand. But what is marketing? Marketing is the thinking and feeling that an individual has towards a brand or company.
I believe that Advertising is how the message is portrayed from the brand to the potential consumer. You can have the greatest product in your industry, but if you fail to draw people to a product, how successful can ones business become? There are reasons the top companies spend millions, if not billions on advertising each year.
Ads are being shown to us everywhere we go. They're on television, on public transportation, on billboards, at school and work, all over the Internet, and even in our apps for our phones. Advertising is    the critical link between yourself and potential customers and without it, you and your company or brand can be left in the dust, or left to be working out of a garage for years to come.